Connections: The Gift of Belonging

Sunday at Laurel Heights was a joyous day! On the plaza and church lawn we had a marvelous time renewing friendships, making new acquaintances, and enjoying delicious breakfast treats from Dave Saylor and his crew, all to the music of Jim Cullum Band’s jazz. In our two services of worship we offered our gifts and our hearts to God through the act of consecrating pledges and estimates of giving for supporting the life-renewing mission and ministry of Laurel Heights in the coming year. And as is always true when God’s people gather in worship, whether in person or online, so many things happened besides. On Sunday, and through our month of reflection on our practices of giving, hearts have been stirred, imaginations kindled, decisions made for seeking to live in deeper, more generous ways.

Karon O’Ferrall has given us a visual, found in the Woodlawn hallway, that expresses so much of our emotion: hands and ribbons reaching upward in praise and self-surrender. It’s been our October experience.

We owe a special thanks to our Stewardship Committee and chair Susie Guven for a fantastic day of celebration. Trudy Kinnison and Dave Saylor joined that group to bring us a brunch to remember.

If you have yet to complete a pledge or estimate of giving for 2022, you can do so securely online or by mailing your completed card to the church office or presenting it in worship this coming Sunday.

Laurel Heights, thank you for your faithfulness.  I’m honored and grateful to be your pastor through such a promising time.

Grace and peace.
