In The United Methodist Church, baptism is more about what God has done than what we do. This means there is no need to be re-baptized if you have been baptized somewhere else. For the same reasons we also baptize infants. It also means you are free to plan a date when you can invite family and friends to be present without any worry about waiting.
If you want to be baptized, give us a call to visit with one of our pastors. I am sure you have more questions and we may have a few too. Then let’s set the date that works best for everyone. You do not have to be a member first.
Forms and Policies
How Do I
Here are some answers to a few common questions. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please contact the church at (210) 733-7156.
Plan a Baptism
Become a Member
Membership in the United Methodist Church is just a small part of a person’s Christian life. As a baptized child of God, you are saying you want to live your Christian life as part of Laurel Heights. In addition to the questions asked during baptism, we ask if you agree to support the duties of the church by offering your prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. If you take that five part question seriously then that is enough.
At the conclusion of the worship service, the pastor invites those who who wish to become a member to come forward. You can also contact the church to discuss becoming a member with the pastor.
Get Married
We love weddings at Laurel Heights, and ask that you meet with one of our pastors in order to schedule your special day.
Plan a Funeral / Use the Columbarium
Laurel Heights seeks to provide a meaningful and worshipful life celebration to those in the church family who die.
The church’s columbarium is a location in the church building that holds the ashes of loved ones whose families have chosen to place them there. While the columbarium has very limited space, everyone is welcome to call and talk with one of our pastors about availability.
Our baptism into Christ is a call for us to follow Jesus in offering our lives in serving and leading. We answer that call in myriad ways — both in the life of the congregation and beyond.
Click here to view an invitation to serve in various ways at Laurel Heights. Have a look and see if you sense God’s leading into a new area of service in or through our church. Perhaps once you’ve looked over the listings you can take some time for silence, prayer, and listening as a way of seeking God’s direction for your life through the church’s ministries. Once you’ve completed the form, you will be contacted regarding possibilities for involvement.
Find your mission….fulfill your calling.