Come and see . . .
If ever we needed Advent, 2020 is the year. We need Advent to help us watch hopefully for what is to come. How can we be assured there will be joy even in the midst of these challenging days? As believers we have a marvelous history of what God has done in the past to assure us of God’s current and future faithfulness.
Laurel Heights is home to energetic, compassionate and creative people who seek to fully worship God, but like most things COVID has made worship difficult. I was privileged to hear your hearts during Grace Notes and Possibilities and you miss seeing each other and sharing as a church family. Several also spoke tenderly about the pre-recorded worship experiences from the early months of staying at home.
With the approach of Advent your church leadership saw this as a perfect time to share a different online worship experience in addition to Sunday morning’s live stream. Seven weeks of short, engaging videos to give you and your family an opportunity to see familiar faces and take a deep breath together as we worship and wait. Join in as we explore the Lectionary’s Gospel texts to “Come and See What God has Done.”
Knowing this is a time of both lament and expectation our focal word for the first week of Advent is “Watch.” Katie Myers, Aubrey Reichman, Susie Guven, Jozlin Parker, Ann McGlone, Kiley Lange and I are enjoying connecting with members to co-create this unique opportunity to experience God in community. Beginning this Saturday at 6 p.m. you can join us to Come and See what God has Done!
Rev. Wyndee Holbrook