COVID-19 Alert: Our Wesley Nurse, Yvonne Garcia, will be taking appointments by phone only until further notice. Please email [email protected] or call (210) 272-7921 to set up an appointment.
The Wesley Nurse
The Wesley Nurse Program is an outreach of Methodist Health Ministries. The primary goal is to provide services to the under-served and uninsured members of the community.
Wesley Nurses are faith-based community nurses who care for the needs of the whole person:
Mind, Body, and Spirit.
Meet Our Wesley Nurse
What Does a Wesley Nurse Do?
The work of Yvonne Garcia, our Wesley Nurse, is varied:
- Community outreach events such as the Back-to-School Health Fair
- Connecting members of the community with services such as the San Antonio Food Bank
- Organizing blood drives, health screenings, and flu shot clinics at Laurel Heights
- Providing Health and Wellness education through Project Transformation
- Partnering with the Texas Diaper Bank to offer My Healthy Child classes
Health & Wellness At Home
Although our doors are physically closed for this time to maintain responsible social distancing, we remain steadfast in our Wesleyan tradition of Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.
Below are ways we are continuing to be the hands and feet of Christ in a global pandemic.
Our Wesley Nurse, Yvonne Garcia, will be available by phone to take appointments until further notice. Please email [email protected] or call (210) 272-7921 to set up an appointment.
If you’ve been missing the Moving On exercise class, tune in Monday through Friday at 11:00 a.m. to the Sit and Be Fit exercise program on KLRN San Antonio. Contact KLRN for on-air program information (210) 270-9000.