Gathering God’s Harvest–Abundantly!

The last Sunday in October was a marvelous celebration of the hope and promise of God’s working in and through the body of Christ at Laurel Heights. In worship we offered our gifts—and ourselves—to God through the act of consecrating pledges and estimates of giving for supporting the mission and ministry of our church in the coming year. The harvest was plentiful!

We owe a special thanks to Lydia Powell, who along with the working group of the Stewardship Committee has overseen our stewardship emphasis with keen and heartfelt leadership. That team planned and prepared for weeks to provide our month for reflection and sharing, guiding us with energy and creativity through this special season of discernment and commitment. Genny and Nick Campbell, Alice Gannon, and Ashley Landers offered beautiful expressions of faith and devotion in worship and in writing. Through video testimonials other poignant stories have also been shared. inset

As is always true when we work together toward a singular goal, so many things happen besides. Laurel Heights is nearer to being ready to fund its ministries in the coming year. (See inset for update.) But in addition . . . hearts have been stirred, imaginations kindled, and decisions made for living out our life together in Christ in even deeper and more generous ways.

If you have yet to complete a pledge/estimate of giving card for 2019, you can do so securely online at the church website ( or by bringing your completed card to the church office or to worship this coming Sunday. We need all hands on deck to support our ministry in the coming year—your prompt response is appreciated!

Thank you, friends in Christ, for your faithfulness in answering the call to commit ourselves to the privilege and responsibility of supporting the church we have been called to love and serve. I am grateful to have shared this extraordinary endeavor with you, and am eager to be a part of all that God is doing at Laurel Heights in the coming year.

Grace and peace.