Grace Notes and Possibilities: Onward

Many of you have already responded to the Grace Notes and Possibilities survey that was sent out recently. I wanted to share with you what I wrote as the possibilities I see for Laurel Heights moving forward. While I’ll be the first to admit I need to see your faces. My kids need your hugs and encouraging words. Your laughter and smiles and welcome on a Sunday morning. In the Sanctuary, around a circle for Godly Play, or (my kids favorite part) eating snacks during fellowship time! I want to share the daily joys of them growing up with each of you. I want them to know that this church loves them, that their family is so much bigger than just who is inside of our home. Because that is what Laurel Heights is. It’s you. Our resiliency is the people that come together in community to make disciples of Jesus Christ. That’s what Laurel Heights has been for over a hundred years, and what it will be long after COVID, and long after each of us.

I had a chance to hear Bishop Schnase speak about two months ago. Per usual he was eloquent and assuring. He called the times we are in an “extraordinary disruption.” But he shared those words through a lens of hope, saying if you look at how the church was able to change and grow throughout history, it was often in times of extraordinary

That’s exactly what my hope is for Laurel Heights as we look ahead—growth. In particular, growing the physical symbols of God’s presence outside of our church walls. In this season of loss, that has been my win.

I love the ribbon prayer wall, I love the bells ringing every Sunday, and most recently, I love the signs that are out along Woodlawn promoting free WiFi access from the parking lot for neighborhood families struggling to choose between paying rent and keeping their kids in virtual school.

Church, we are the body of Christ, doing all the good we can, in all the places we can. When our bodies can’t physically be together to do God’s work, thank you for the symbols outside of our walls to remind everyone His grace and love prevail.

Ashley Landers, Chair of Evangelism
member, COVID-19 Response Team