Welcome, Rev. Wyndee Holbrook as Pastor in Residence!

Welcome, Wyndee!

Rev. Wyndee Holbrook has been invited to serve as Pastor in Residence at Laurel Heights for the year 2021. Wyndee has worked with Laurel Heights in summer conversations (Grace Notes and Possibilities), ongoing discussions and programming related to youth ministry, and “Come and See” Advent/Christmas worship gatherings. The honorific title does not involve compensation, but recognizes Wyndee’s contribution to our life together in ministry. Besides having previously served as a pastor in the Cooperative Baptist tradition, Wyndee is also the director of the Interfaith San Antonio Alli- ance, and works closely with the City of San Antonio Faith-Based Initiative. She preached in the sanctuary worship service in late December, and has also been a part of a fall Bible Study at Laurel Heights. Welcome, Wyndee!