Grace Notes and Possibilities: Onward

We have spent the month of August in holy conversations through a process we’ve called Grace Notes and Possibilities. The initiative invited us to share through Zoom, survey, pictures, and testimonials our experiences of life and life together in the midst of a pandemic. We have certainly shared many dimensions of lament and loss in these conversations. But commingled with our grief have been many expressions of gratitude, joy, opportunities to serve, and the deepening of faith. There have been tears and laughter, sadness and smiles, heartache and hopefulness. In all of it, we have shared with one another deeply and personally, and in so doing, have drawn closer to God and to one another, and more aware of how dearly we hold the world in our hearts. A conversation about grace has become an experience of grace.

Among our subjects for sharing, we have explored possibilities for how we might see the church, be the church, imagine the church in different ways while we’re physically separated, and once we’re together again. We’ve envisioned possibilities for different pathways of discipleship, new ways to worship, fresh expressions of community. This, exercise, too, has been a very rewarding exercise—and often quite intriguing as well.

As we complete our August and our emphasis on Grace Notes and Possibilities, know that this is not the end of these holy conversations. Our responses, shared in Zoom sessions or on Facebook or in the survey, will be carefully considered, synthesized, and shared with the congregation in the coming weeks as we continue to discern how we will move forward co-COVID and beyond.

In a video reflection about where we go from here, Tanya Campen shared her hopes and dreams for the future at Laurel Heights, that we might discover “new ways to connect, and to be in relationship with God and one another.” And with a hopeful lilt in her voice, she expressed her hope that we pay attention to . . . “what God is calling us to do next!” Amen!

Grace Notes and Possibilities: Possibilities

As we close our August emphasis on Grace Notes and Possibilities, know that this is not the end. Your responses, shared in Zoom sessions or on Facebook or in the survey, will be carefully considered and synthesized and shared with the church as we consider how we will continue to move forward co-COVID and beyond. In the final installment of these interviews, Tanya Campen shares her hopes and dreams for the future.

Posted by Laurel Heights United Methodist Church on Monday, August 24, 2020

Grace and peace.
Rev. Paul L. Escamilla,
Senior Pastor